Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Friday, 16 May 2014

Doodles of Christina Bastia

In honour of masterchef Australia season 6,here's some doodles of christina Bastia from season 5 which her style is aborable and have a big crush on marcon tower,she's such a cutie 
And yes I put gif I like from tumblr now in a doodle

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Watching the hour

Just watch BBC the hour and it's a great period drama to watch
I love Bel's hairstyle
A cute outfit from her

Try my best to draw ben whishaw as Freddie but still need to work on it more

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Gallery sitting doodles and a few updates

Here's some doodles I did with a cheap blue pen which I brought from the supermarket and I do some fun doodles and get some sketching on in digital
I was inspired to draw this after seeing a post on tumblr,I create my own take on the zero room

This one I did not to commentary,but it's from Games of Thrones with a mixture of boredom

I did this in my first gallery sitting using the lovely outfit from Jenna wore in the doctor who set

I draw Local Hero :D
This is taken from this post and my twist on soufflé girl :)

Getting creative with the table napkin :)
I alos experimenting to draw my girls under this french fashion illustrator Sibylline's style which have a 1950-60s appeal ,I decided to try it out on Clara Oswald and it turns out fine :D

Beisdes doing some doodles,I also get some photos from my first ever exhibition in a perspective of a gallery sitter which is fun but a bit boring XD

Can't wait for my grad show which I put some style to the work that is chosen.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Some classic doodling stuff digital and traditional

Hi gus how you are doing,sorry for the long silence,It have been crazy with my school assessment and me being not updating blog,I did some mini doodles to cheer up some google plus friends which they appreciated it like crazy somehow Doctor Who reignite my imagination and give me some crazy ideas to doodle.Of course on easter week,I draw besides Doctor Who,my favourite BBC biblical drama besides the nativity,the passion with joseph mawle,I still have a lot of digital painting practice :D

In other news,I got my first art exhibition opening for my piece,Dark A which is pretty cool,opening night is great

It's been a crazy month hope I still get some doodling and do some mini photography adventure going on ;)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Saturday, 29 March 2014

The revenge of the digital art

Ok I just lost the digital art touch over a broken tip in my bamboo pen and being focused on traditional media,I plan to approach digital art in a fine art matter not your average digital painting<i plan to do at leaset once or twice a week to do a digi art painting

Here's the results

I draw this when I finally got Melanie Delon's lovely new brushes

Milady De Winter

Me getting mad over my art history philosophy stuff

I also do a mini video on it

I hope I can do more when I finished with all the work I have