Friday, 16 May 2014

Doodles of Christina Bastia

In honour of masterchef Australia season 6,here's some doodles of christina Bastia from season 5 which her style is aborable and have a big crush on marcon tower,she's such a cutie 
And yes I put gif I like from tumblr now in a doodle

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Watching the hour

Just watch BBC the hour and it's a great period drama to watch
I love Bel's hairstyle
A cute outfit from her

Try my best to draw ben whishaw as Freddie but still need to work on it more

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Gallery sitting doodles and a few updates

Here's some doodles I did with a cheap blue pen which I brought from the supermarket and I do some fun doodles and get some sketching on in digital
I was inspired to draw this after seeing a post on tumblr,I create my own take on the zero room

This one I did not to commentary,but it's from Games of Thrones with a mixture of boredom

I did this in my first gallery sitting using the lovely outfit from Jenna wore in the doctor who set

I draw Local Hero :D
This is taken from this post and my twist on soufflé girl :)

Getting creative with the table napkin :)
I alos experimenting to draw my girls under this french fashion illustrator Sibylline's style which have a 1950-60s appeal ,I decided to try it out on Clara Oswald and it turns out fine :D

Beisdes doing some doodles,I also get some photos from my first ever exhibition in a perspective of a gallery sitter which is fun but a bit boring XD

Can't wait for my grad show which I put some style to the work that is chosen.