It's been 3 years since I wrote my last entry well I have been pretty silent since I wrote my last post since then I having so much changes in my artistic career as I study fine arts while doing some doodles in the of those highlights is I have my chance of showing off one of my works in an art gallery and have serval art showings in college.
Well I went through an employment programme that give the job that suit me and my creative talent instead I was deemed in their eyes that I was not employable in any work setting especially with deadlines I credit not having work experience for that downfall.i went through a programme that do bespoke work which hopefully give me a new skill set to have a nasty little surprise of damaging my self worth and confidence despite the brilliant kindness from my colleagues where I am placed.i did not have much creative likeminded individuals that called “friends” to share my creative thoughts.i felt inadequate in the financial independence part.Of course art became my small refuge that became my happy paradise along with plenty of professional help in dealing with my my bucket list on the outcomes when I recovered from my emotional crisis is to have a career,able to travel the world and of course be a happier me in showcasing my art again.Also I work very hard to get me recover and be confident again by starting my artistic small business since my fine art career will be slow.I also credit my Facebook private group on helping to get my butt on setting up my own small business that became my child that I’m fighting for.

Along with that I also working on doing a collaboration project with my sister’s artistic boss on getting my art out into merchandise which he told me about this when I’m in my bespoke work's gonna change my life 360 degrees and giving me more of my financial independence that I need and I strangely committed 160% of my time on also looking forward to meeting more creative individuals and reuniting with an old acquaintance that I did not see since I was small.I do have these same dreams and ambitions for my future expect I expanded from there which one of them will be studying my masters in illustration which will be amazing.
My small business |
I do advise you guys following the artjoy in these networks and I’ll be blogging more from this area and do keep an eagle eye as I’ll be writing a book about my experiences in these new channels and give it a follow
Do follow me in this new stage of my life here
Tea Ladies art |